Saturday, May 14, 2011

Still Waiting

T's due date is on Tuesday—just three days from now. Somehow, I didn't think we'd still be in Wisconsin this weekend, I guess just based on the early induction last time. But it's a good thing... Anna Marie and Kathleen have their School of Rock performance tomorrow. They are part of a band called "Black Ice," and the band needs them! And, of course, I have not packed—or even come close to packing—so I'm pleased we're not hitting the road quite yet, excited as I am. Without a baby in my own womb, making her presence known and giving me little indicators that it might be soon, it's hard to feel that push to pack. I just don't have any clue when we might get this call. Add to that the fact that T's first doctor appointment came at seven months, and I wonder also how accurate the ultrasound-determined due date is. So, I'm trying to get all my projects done—the things I don't want hanging over my head after the baby arrives—and then I'll pack like a whirlwind when we get the call. I do need to get out the baby clothes though this weekend...

We have learned that T will deliver in Macon this time, rather than in Warner Robins (where she delivered last time). The reason for that is that the Macon hospitals tend to be more adoption-friendly than the Warner Robins hospital. That means our trip to meet the baby will be a whole fifteen or twenty minutes shorter. ;)

We did also learn that T wants us to be there again as soon as possible after the baby's birth. So we will really hustle once we get that call. Although our bags are not packed, I have compiled an extensive packing list which will help us to load up quickly. And I've sorted through shorts and swimming suits and sandals to make sure the kids all have plenty of warm weather items to make the trip comfortable.

Having said all that, I'm getting the feeling we'll likely be here in Wisconsin through another weekend—a COLD weekend at that! We'll be ready for some Georgia sun when it's time to head south.

We are so excited to meet this new little one (name still undetermined) and to give T a big hug.

1 comment:

  1. Oh thank you so much for the update!
    Thinking of you!
