Friday, May 27, 2011

Drop-off at the Hospital

I just ran down to the hospital (about ten minutes from our hotel) to drop off our camera with the case worker, so that she can take newborn photo as soon as little bambina arrives. The camera exchange was made at the hospital door, so I did not have a chance to see T. (They are allowing only one person present--the case worker--during labor and delivery.)

Sandra tells us that T has gotten an epidural. Apparently, the epidural was rough and has also caused some nausea and a blood pressure drop, but all still seems to be well in the big picture. I can't imagine going through all this and then placing your child in someone ele's arms to raise. What an amazing and selfless gift.

Sandra seems to think Joe and I will be paying another visit to the hospital tonight - to give our love T and meet Wee One. Meanwhile, we're thinking about turning off Toy Story 3 (the kids' current entertainment) and hopping in the van for a quick auto tour of Macon before the call comes to head back to the hospital.

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