Sunday, May 29, 2011

Lucia by the Numbers

  • Date of birth: May 27, 2011
  • Birth weight: 7 lb., 10 oz.
  • Birth length: 22 inches
  • Head circumference: 13.75
You should see how long her fingers and toes are! Joe says a musician or surgeon for sure.  ;)


  1. So glad Lucia is with you now! Hope you all had a good night of sleep. :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I was just in knots reading your progress towards getting your little girl! Adoption has "labor pains" all its own I can see! Congratulations, she is just the name too. :)

  3. Hmmm..will she get the prize for being the tallest Leone at 22"? Enjoy the settling in time--a beautiful addition to a beautiful family~
    Kloess crew

  4. Wow! I am so happy for you, Joe, and all of the kids! What a very lucky baby! I loved reading your blog and seeing all of your adorable family! A true blessing from God for everyone involved! ~Marie Hauck
