Friday, December 11, 2009

What a Roller Coaster!

If this wee one makes it into the Leone family, she's going to have quite the birth story...

As I type (4:57 pm, Wisconsin time), Temple is "pushing." We are expecting a baby any minute.

Within the last half hour, we've received a call from the director of the agency encouraging us to wait until Monday to travel, due to a red flag that is concerning. (The red flag is Temple's mother who apparently doesn't know about the adoption plan.)

However, within the last five minutes, I received a call from the case worker who is with Temple at the hospital. She has indicated that she will call us just as soon as Temple gives birth. At some point, not long after the birth, she will inquire whether Temple's mother has been told and whether Temple still seems firm in her decision to place. That conversation will help us gauge whether to take the risk and travel tonight/tomorrow or whether to hold off until Monday. The social worker feels pretty strongly that if Temple is feeling firm in her decision a couple hours after the birth, we should start out for Georgia.

So, we've been up, we've been down. One minute we're going; one minute we're not going. I guess we'll know more within the next couple hours.

One thing's for sure: This is all very exciting. I think I forgot to eat today.

1 comment:

  1. And she will have a fabulous birthday! 3 years ago today my daughter was born!

