Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Post-Placement Visit #2

On Tuesday, we had our second (and presumably last) post-placement visit. Little Marguerite was wide awake and perky for the visit, crawling around on the floor and showing social worker David her stuff. It was a laid-back meeting where we sat and talked about Marguerite's development and her perfect fit in our family. David was impressed with her crawling and sitting skills. Miss Marguerite impresses us all!

At the end of the visit, David gave us the paperwork necessary to get the adoption finalized. We are legally eligible to finalize anytime after June 13th, although we have to wait for the paperwork shuffle between Georgia and Wisconsin. Once the paperwork is out of the way, we schedule a court date. On that day, Marguerite will be a Leone 100% officially. We cannot wait! She's been a Leone in our hearts, but it will be so nice for her to be a Leone on paper too.

Stay tuned for the announcement of the finalization date. So exciting!

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